About Mather Consulting

Mather Consulting brings to life a belief that leaders, teams and organisations have untapped potential to achieve and grow. We work with clients in a commercially smart and collaborative way to develop inspiring leaders, high-performing teams and positive engagement.

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Personal and Team Insights

Development and growth starts with better self-insight and awareness both for leaders and teams. Leaders, with greater understanding of personal motivators, stressors, thinking styles, strengths and potential de-railers, are able to pin point high impact development goals to focus on. These could relate to current performance or to future career aspirations and will foster new habits to lift leadership influence. Teams, who aspire to be more effective, collaborate better, build high-trust and psychological safety, commitment and accountability, will benefit from understanding what great teams look like, their own strengths and gaps and development areas to focus on.

To create self and team insight, we are accredited to use a range of proven tools and solutions, provided by global partners.

Insights® Discovery for Individual, Team and Leader Development

For more information click here.

Whole Brain® Thinking (HBDI)

For more information click here.

Everything DiSC

We are accredited to use and debrief the full range of DiSC profiles for individuals, teams, leaders including Culture Reports.  Click here for a sample copy of the Workplace DiSC profile and the Agile EQ profile.

More about our solution partners is available here.

5 Behaviours Of Cohesive Teams Assessment

This solution allows teams to assess how they stack up on the five dimensions of effective teams, namely Trust, Conflict, Commitment, Accountability and Results.  With greater awareness of strengths and derailers, teams can embark on a journey of discovery and identify where they need to be better and specific strategies to put in place. Click here for a sample copy of the assessment.

The Emotional Culture Deck

We use this powerful interactive solution, by Elephants & Riders, to capture how people want to feel in teams and the actions both leaders and teams can take to build an environment that fosters positive emotion and experience at work.